Good Afternoon Broadview Danforth BIA Members,
I'm so pleased to share the message below from Councillor Fletcher on the successful passing of her CEBA motion. I would also like to express our thanks to Paula and her staff for all of their time and effort to make this happen. Paula is the only Councillor who took on this endeavour and pushed it to all of her fellow councillors. Paula has included the final voting on the motion so you can see who voted for and who voted against the motion.
Also attached is our media release that we're sending out this afternoon.
Here is Paula's message:
Hello everyone,
I wanted to share some good news.
City Council just passed my motion MM6.1. to extend the December CEBA repayment deadline.
My sincerest thanks to you and all your members for their comments and letters. In just a few short days over 150 emails and comments were submitted on this motion, ensuring it was passed with overwhelming support.
I've attached the full motion and final vote for your reference. You can also view the MM6.1 agenda item for more on the public submissions on this motion.
Thank you all again for your action on this. Let me know if you have any questions.
Councillor, Toronto Danforth
100 Queen Street West, Suite C44
Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
Phone: 416-392-4060 | Fax: 416-397-5200
Web: | Twitter: @PaulaFletcherTO