Friday, 26 May 2023 00:00
Good Afternoon BIA Members, Another week and here are the updates starting with construction.... Danforth (north & south sides) Playter to Ellerbeck: - Restoration work is almost complete and I have to say the City has done a nice job in this section. Much better than they've done in other sections. We need to get the bike lane bumpers fixed and a few other minor things. Broadview/Danforth Street Car Tracks & Sewer Renewals: The sewers renewal on Broadview south of…
Friday, 19 May 2023 16:07
Good Afternoon BIA Members, Here's my updates for this week in terms of construction and again I will start at the east end of our BIA and work my way to our west end. Danforth Hampton to Bowden: - the Hydro work is complete and the area should be or will be clear shortly - NEW PROJECT - 60 Bowden Avenue which is the church located on the south west side of Danforth and Bowden. As many of you know,…
Friday, 12 May 2023 16:11
Good Morning BIA Members, Here is my weekly construction update. I'm going to start at the east end of our BIA and work over to the west end. 1. Danforth: Hampton to Bowden Sidewalk restoration is still ongoing following the Hydro work done in this section. Hopefully this will be completed within the next week. 2. Danforth: Playter to Ellerbeck Following the watermain work done in this section the City is working on the sidewalk and road restoration both on…
Friday, 12 May 2023 16:09
Good Afternoon Broadview Danforth BIA Members, I'm so pleased to share the message below from Councillor Fletcher on the successful passing of her CEBA motion. I would also like to express our thanks to Paula and her staff for all of their time and effort to make this happen. Paula is the only Councillor who took on this endeavour and pushed it to all of her fellow councillors. Paula has included the final voting on the motion so you can…
Tuesday, 09 May 2023 12:27
Good Afternoon Broadview Danforth BIA Members, I am asking for your help - below is a request from our Councillor, Paula Fletcher, who has been unwavering in her support and work to help extend the CEBA loan repayment dates. She is putting a motion forward at City Council this coming Thursday, May 11/23 and support for the motion from you, our business members, is crucial. Paula has kindly provided the information below on how to send your message of support…
Friday, 05 May 2023 00:00
Good Morning All, This is the first update for the massive amount of work that is slated for Broadview north and south of Danforth. Every Friday morning I will meet with the City and TTC people who are assigned to this work. These meetings started today and will continue through November. These meetings allow us to deal with any problems and provide an update on what is scheduled for the week to come. So here's what will start next week:…

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