Transform Your Mind & Body This August/September through the art of Belly Dancing & Yoga
Belly Dancing /Marilou - This gentle form of dance concentrates on the movements that come naturally to the female form, working with the body to help you tighten and tone your hard to reach core and leg muscles.
- Thursday Aug 21st-Sept 25th at 6:30pm (Pregistered 6 week Session) $80(+HST) Non members/$75(+HST) Members
Yoga /Suzanne - Open to all levels! This class is based on the Hatha style of yoga, yet at times may incorporate a flow typical of Vinyasayoga or similar to Ashtanga yoga.
- Monday Aug 18th - Sep 29th at 6:30pm (Pre-registered 6 week Session) $80(+HST) Non members/$75(+HST) Members
*** There are 6 classes remaining and a few spots still available!
Felinity Body Boot Camp /Jo - This class welcomes women of all ages and levels of fitness, and provides a total-body workout that combines: circuit training, core strengthening, body sculpting, and felinity core feminine movement. Class will be held outside weather permitting.
- Wednesday Aug 13th - Sept 17th at 6:30pm (6 classes remaining) $80(+HST) Non members/$70(+HST) Members*
To pre-register contact reception at 416-406-6683 /
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*All pre-registered programs
are available in bundle packages, including Felinity Pole sessions. For any registration of two or more programs at one time, the first class will be purchased at its full rate, with every additional program being sold with a 20% discount. It's sexy to pre-register in bulk! Drop-ins are accepted as long as the registration is high enough for the class to run, or the program isn't too full. The drop-in rate is $18(+HST)
**Felinity offers make up classes for those of you who miss a class or two. If you miss a class during your 4-12 week program, your option to make up your class is available within your program's timeline. We ask you to confirm with reception when you will attend another class (that is at the same level that you are currently in if you are taking a Felinity Pole Program)