Get ready for a packed weekend for our #BroadviewDanforthSummer Sessions!
Starting off with :
- Thursday, Aug. 26, 5 to 8:30pm: The Andrew McCarthy Quartet @amccarthydrums
- Friday, Aug. 27, 6 to 9pm: @choppedliverbluegrass Band
- Friday , Aug. 27, 5:30-9 @devincuddy Band
Finishing off with
- Saturday, Aug. 28, 2-6pm The Bennet Young Quartet
- Sunday, Aug. 29, Noon to 3:30pm: Young Learn & The Ardent Yearners
Music and venues were in part brought to you by @dorakeoghpub & @blackswantavern1972
Thank you to @cityofto @paulafletcher & @bradfordgrams for helping make this possible